Think the situation hasn’t gotten “real” in Rhode Island?
This legislative session our Bloomberg-backed Governor will attempt to drive home some of the most restrictive anti-firearms regulations IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. Those regulations include:
Department of Environmental Management database of gun owners
Full blown firearms registration through changes to the purchasing process
A ban on virtually ALL semiautomatic firearms
Magazine capacity restrictions
Firearms forfeitures through Red Flag expansion
Elimination of CCW
Background check with ZERO protections for the purchaser
Ambiguous ban on 80% that could leave any polymer receiver firearms
On Thursday January 23rd at 4PM we send our elected officials a message by organizing the LARGEST Second Amendment rally our Governor has ever seen. Spread the word to your gun clubs, coworkers, firearms retailers and social media pages. ADVOCATE FOR YOUR FIREARMS RIGHTS!
See you at the Rhode Island State House and wear yellow!