Fellow Second Amendment Supporters,
The 2024 campaign season has started and thankfully we have a solid slate of 2A supporters running for office, both incumbents and challengers. In addition to retaining current 2A incumbents, we have multiple opportunities to pick up seats in both the House and Senate.
For example, we will be targeting districts like House Districts 21 and 43. Both candidates, Marie Hopkins and Nick Grasso, came within double digits of winning in 2022. Marie and Nick each canvased over 4,000 homes in a four month period and they have committed to do it again. These are just two of over a dozen races we need to support. Since most of you cannot donate time I ask that you please consider donating to the Rhode Island Second Amendment PAC. It is absolutely appropriate to donate to races outside of your district. The anti-gunners certainly don’t have an issue doing the same. Soliciting donations is not something I enjoy doing so I don’t ask often. However, this is a make or break election cycle for us. If you wish to donate you can do so by hitting the donate button below or you can mail a check to: The Rhode Island Second Amendment PAC, PO Box 1807, East Greenwich, RI 02818.