As many of you may have know there were dozens of anti-gun rights bills submitted in Rhode Island this past session and we’re happy to report that no bills made it out of committee. Everything is dead…for now.
It’s a perennial fight for us here in Rhode Island but with the successes our side has been racking up in federal courts across the country it won’t be long before some of there anti-gun initiatives become an impossible feat.
For now our goals remain the same. We continue to support the candidates who support 2A and hold our current legislators accountable.
Lastly, we spent quite a bit of money this year on communications and donations to reps and senators who helped kill these bills so please consider making a donation so we can continue this in the coming years. (Donate button below.) If you cannot donate please volunteer in the next election cycle. It’s right around the corner.
Glenn Valentine
The Rhode Island Second Amendment PAC