Tonight the 2020 legislative session begins and we encourage folks to take a look at what the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence and Governor Raimondo have in store for you. Same bills, more money than ever, slated to abrogate your firearms rights.
Attached is the latest money raising scheme concocted by the Progressive led Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence. Couple that with funds the Gov has committed to support anti-2A candidates and we’re in for a tough year.
It’s simple. With so many members on these Pro-2A pages we’re asking folks to pledge at least $5.00 to the Rhode Island Second Amendment Political Action Committee so we can counter the tens of thousands of dollars being funneled into the RICAGV before your rights evaporate as they have in states like MA,CT, NJ and NY.
We know it’s a tall order but If EVERY follower on the several pro-2A pages we have donates just $5.00 we’ll be in a position to directly support pro-2A candidates as well as fund the systems we use to organize our efforts legislative every year.
Five dollars: the cost of a box of 9mm cartridges….in 1993.
Head to…/ri-second-amendment-p…/donate/
LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD. Please donate, share, TAG folks and fight!
Every dime we raise will be spent here in Rhode Island. Nowhere else.